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Ginger in a child's diet - from when and why is it worth it?

Ginger in a child's diet - from when and why is it worth it?

Have you observed the first symptoms of a cold in your pet? Start acting as soon as possible so that the disease does not develop for good. Do not stuff your child with ready-made pharmaceuticals. Bet on natural home remedies. Include ginger in the diet of your child, which will help to overcome unpleasant ailments and strengthen the child's resistance during the transition period.

Ginger - effect

Ginger is one of the most effective, and most importantly natural, weapons in the fight against infections. All because the monster-like root looks anti-inflammatory, warming, antiviral and antifungal. Few of us realize that in addition to strengthening immunity and fighting colds or flu, ginger works great as an antiemetic. For example, he can cope with motion sickness in a child or nausea during pregnancy.

This one of the oldest medicinal plants can also be used for rheumatism, allergies, heart disease, hypertension, headaches and menstrual pain. It should be included in the child's diet due to the support of memory and improving mental performance. All thanks to the fact that in a plant with a spicy, sharp and somewhat burning taste (it is given to him by gingerol, szogaol, zingeron) we find a mixture of resins and essential oils, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B1, B2 and C .

Ginger for a child - when can it be served?

Ginger in the child's diet may appear after the first year of life, due to the acute taste and unwanted reactions that it may cause in the tiny body, such as tearing, shortness of breath, colic or abdominal pain. It is important to use it in moderation, because like everything in excess - it harms. Overdose may cause stomach cramps and deteriorate its functioning.

Ginger - how to serve it?

Ginger is present in fresh or dried form (it can still be candied, but it is only used in the kitchen). It is worth knowing that each differently affects the body.

In the case of colds or flu, reach for the fresh root. It will help warm up the body, stimulate blood circulation, and act sourly. By stimulating the immune system, it will support the fight against the disease, and by increasing immunity - it will reduce the risk of infection in the future. It's best to make tea with imibru infusion.

RECIPE: Chop or grind a root patch and pour over hot tea. The spicy ginger flavor can scare the child away. To be more eager to drink medicinal tea, you can sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey and dilute it with water. Serve your child 2-3 times a day for 1 cup.

Another solution is a ginger and honey drink.


Put a slice of ginger into the cup, add a teaspoon of honey and pour over lukewarm water. Cover and leave overnight. In the morning, fill the drink with a spoon of lemon juice and warm water.

Remember! Honey loses its health properties at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius! If you want to use its beneficial ingredients, then add it only to cooled drinks. Hot drinks better sweeten with molasses, brown sugar (unrefined!), Xylitol, stevia or erytrol.

Ginger decoction can also be used to attack the body.


To 100 g chopped root, add 2 cups of water. Boil everything. Wait for the decoction to cool down. Lubricate the child's body, put on a warm one and put it to bed.

Dried ginger is best used to rinse phlegm throat.


Add 2 teaspoons of dried water to a glass of lukewarm water, mix and make the child rinse with a mixture of throat.

All the best,


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